To integrate with other services and applications, we recommend setting up integration via Zapier.
You will be able to transfer data between services without the help of programmers.
Learn more about integration via Zapier

You can activate the system notification when a customer unsubscribes from newsletters.

Enter the address of your script, which our service will send notifications to, in the API settings in the “URL For API Notifications” field.


Notifications are sent in the URL-encoded POST format as follows:

array (
'name' => contact name
'email' => contact email
'phone' => contact telephone number
'city' => contact city
'id_group' => contact group number
'ip' => subscriber IP
'status' => 0, //there will always be 0 because the subscriber status becomes "Unsubscribed" in this group

Notifications come only after the unsubscription. Only the group administrator can delete a subscriber form the group.

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