This page allows you to add the UTM-tag to the address of the advertised page to calculate the statistics of each channel individually.

Enter the address of the advertised page at the entry field and click the button. If the page calculates clicks, you can specify tags.

You have to specify the source of traffic (you can use Latin letters and numbers).

If you advertise a partner in your mailing list, it can be email, on the website – site, if it is contextual advertising – google.

The campaign, the ad and the key words may not be specified. But if you want more detailed statistics, you should do this.

Depending on the source you can set up its values yourself. E.g. for a website it could be the page with an advertising banner or image, for the mailing list it could be groups of contacts and/or the subject of the message, and so on.

After you have formed your link you can copy it to the Your link for calculating clicks field and use it for the appropriate advertising campaign.

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