The Users page is designed to work with additional accounts that have access to work.

You can:

  • Add, edit and delete users;
  • Activate / deactivate access;
  • Select users according to the specified parameters;
  • View user activity;
  • Go to work with profile settings – typical rights and access.


The filter allows you to customize the output to the table of users who meet the specified criteria.

You can search for users by login, status, or by rights.

If the login is entered in its entirety, one line will be displayed. If you enter a piece of text, then all the logins that contain this fragment will be displayed.

You must enter the data in the filter and click the Search button. To remove the filter, click the Clear button.

Deactivate or delete an users

To temporarily disable access to the system, you must move the slider in the selected user’s row to the green Status button to the left. The button will change color to dark gray and the user will be deactivated.

To activate the user, move the slider to the right. The button again turns green and access will be returned.

To completely remove an user from the system, you must click on the cross in the last column in the selected user’s

Adding and editing an user

To add a new user, click the Add user button.

To edit the data and the rights of an existing user, click on their name in the table.

View user activity

The History of Transitions button allows you to go to the page where the activity of the selected users
is displayed (at what time which pages were opened).


The Profiles button is used to go to the same page where typical rights and access settings are displayed.

FAQ (frequently asked questions)

You have added a new user, specified the necessary data in the settings, saved them, but the user’s email address is not displayed in the “Email” field?

The thing is that when adding / changing an email address, the Email will remain the same (or it will be the account holder email if the user is being added for the first time) until the user confirms his email address.

When changing of user’s Email, a confirmation letter will be sent. Subject: “confirmation of user’s email adress changing.”
An user needs to open this letter and follow the link in it. After that, his email will be confirmed and be replaced with a new one in the user settings.

If an user cannot log into his account, the reason in most cases is that:

1. Invalid login link. The correct login link looks like this: https://LOGIN.DOMAIN.COM/dashboard/, where “LOGIN” is the login of the main administrator of the account.
The correct link (with the already specified “LOGIN”) is in the registration confirmation letter, which is sent to the user’s mail.

2. The user enters his email in the login field, not his login. It is necessary to enter the login.

3. The user did not confirm account registration. To confirm, he needs to click on the link in the activation letter.

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