The Products subsection allows you to:

  • add, edit and delete goods
  • distribute goods by category
  • ask for resale (upsells) and discount
  • create buttons and order forms
  • enter into the system of co-authors of products

  1. adding a new product
  2. editing a product
  3. discounts
  4. upsale
  5. turn the product on/off
  6. copy the product
  7. delete a product
  8. creating product categories
  9. adding c0-authors
  10. selecting products

Name, category (if specified), cost, discounts, partner program settings, after-sales and product type are indicated for each product in the table.


The Filter button allows you to select products in the table that meet certain conditions.

You can choose products by name, category, and presence in the product catalog.

If the whole name was entered, then one product will be displayed. If you enter a title fragment – all products that contain this fragment in their title will be displayed.

Moving by category is done by clicking on the blue folder. Select a product by clicking on the checkbox (empty square) – it should have a blue tick. Choosing all products in the category can be done by clicking on the checkbox category.

It is not necessary to fill in all the fields of the filter. You must fill in the required fields of the filter and click the Search button. To display the entire product table, you must click the Clear button.

Adding, Editing and Deleting a Product

Turning the product off and on

By default, all created products are turned on.

How to turn off the product

To turn off the product, click on the switch for changing the status of the product (green, if the product is on; located in the penultimate column).

If the product is turned off, then:

  • you can pay for previously created orders for this product;
  • a new order for this product cannot be created;
  • product order page will not be available;
  • forms created through the constructor will not find such a product.

How to turn on the product

To turn on the product, press the switch for changing the status of the product (black if the product is turned off).

Resale and Discounts

  • Upsells are configured in the window that opens by clicking on the link in the for sale column
  • The blue button with a number in the discounts column shows how many discounts are set for this product. When you click on it, you go to the discount page of this product, which allows you to set discounts for the selected product


  • The Categories button opens a window in which you can create product categories (groups that combine similar products)


  • The Collaborators button opens a window in which the data for collaborators is configured

Browse the product catalog

  • The link to the product catalog allows you to go to the product catalog in the JustClick store (as customers will see it)

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